3 years ago by Sheilah Goulart.
We need more Standing March videos - and could also add a weight option to raise that cardio!
I would like more marches especially as it is getting colder outside.
I enjoy doing the standing marches and my whole body feels better after I do them.
Oh yes! Please! More standing marches! Maybe using some light weights and longer in time 30-40 minutes !
Definitely would like to see pelvic floor!
Would definitely love more standing march routines. I would not do these with weights however!
Would definitely love more standing march routines. I would not do these with weights however!
I love the walking and the Marching
Agreed - more and longer standing walking marches. They are great to keep moving
More standing marches, please. Love the idea of 30 to 40 minute marches.
I love the walking series. I get a lot more out of it then sometimes just walking. You get to use more of your muscles.
Always looking for more ideas/variety of moves.
I must confess I've been rooting for more marches in most of the comments I leave at the end of each marching exercise! I love these marches and always feel better after completing them. I personally wouldn't add weights to walking, but to each his own!
Yes, totally agree.
Would love more standing marches or something with dance steps would be nice
Love it
Yes, more walking excercises
Yes. Would use, but why are people asking to add weight option. Just pick up leg or hand weights of your choice.
I mix the standing march sessions with other workouts and really like them. 10 more progressing in length to 30-40 minutes would be fantastic.
Add weight option
Love the sample standing march video. Will other standing march routines be available for one-time purchase?
Please add more standing walking videos. I love these and sometimes use my weights
Big fan of standing march! Would love to see more various moves added.
Weight option good add too
Standing march with weights or bands would be great.
I love this idea! More Standing March, please! Thank you.
Yes I would love more Standing March videos!
yes standing marches and weights are good ideas.
Love the idea of more standing marches
I would like more standing marches for days I can't get out to walk. Adding weights would be good too. I would like standing dance moves too.
Yes!!!! It has been months since there were new exercises. This is a popular series and should continue
Standing March with weights sounds great!
HI I really wanted more marches, especially in the winter months...
I would like to have more of the sitting and standing exercises. Such a good way to increase my steps. Thanks Deron.
like the idea of adding weight
More standing marches, please.
Standing dance moves to oldies music!
More standing marches, please.
Definitely more standing marches - up to equal a 3 mile walk would be my vote!
I enjoy the standing exercises also.
Longer standing marches please and more of them.
Yes more standing march-great for when can't get outside to walk and doing excises at the same time as getting the steps in.
Like the idea of adding weights
I prefer balanced weight- for those that are under idea weight - that will be a plus for them.
I defintely would like more standing with added weights